Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge: The Left’s Plot to Remake America Read online

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  This has ramifications far beyond the administration of justice in criminal courts. Property rights and enforcement of contracts is the foundation of our civil law and prosperity. It’s no accident most people in banana republics are destitute. Economic growth depends upon entrepreneurs being confident the fruits of their labor won’t be confiscated and that agreements they’ve made will be enforced. When these guarantees are removed, the means of creating wealth are destroyed.

  It seems like we’re going backward in time. All the basic rules of civil society, even those transcending the Founding Fathers and the Constitution, seem to be breaking down. Among the allegations Jefferson made against King George III in the Declaration of Independence, was that he employed mercenaries against the colonists who waged war “with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages.” He refers to a time where the rules that make life freer and safer hadn’t been established yet. I, for one, don’t want to go back there.

  It’s easy to see why the Democrats and their Republican fellow travelers aren’t as worried as I am: they are so intent on bringing down Donald Trump that they’re willing to risk destroying civilized society to do it. You can bet the same biased perversion of our laws and constitutional principles will be applied to attacking the president between now and November 2020, whenever possible. It is imperative we fight to maintain the rule of law, regardless of what any one of us thinks about Donald Trump. We have far more to lose than an election.


  The Democrat Clown Car

  Outsider Donald Trump was elected president for a reason: Americans were tired of their interests not being protected. Donald Trump will win again in 2020 for the same reason. And it is one question—and one question only—that finished the entire Democrat field: “Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants,” requested moderator Savannah Guthrie during the second night of the first Democrat presidential primary debate.

  Every candidate raised his or her hand.

  The Democrat Clown Car, overloaded with mayors, governors, senators, socialists, and spiritual advisors, continued down its bumpy road to nowhere during the first presidential debate, held over two evenings so they could fit in all twenty clowns. ’Twas a sight to behold. Forget about everything you learned about the Constitution, law and order, “the rules,” and playing fair. In their eyes, the world is an upside-down, backward, and inside-out place.

  Biden was definitely in over his head and tripping over his clown shoes when he couldn’t distinguish his approval of Obama’s deportation of three million illegals and separation of children and families at the border—just as the Trump administration was legally required to do—except to say Obama did a “heck of a job.” He’s so unsure of himself that he only half raised his hand when eight other Demaclowns raised theirs, indicating they would like to decriminalize illegal immigration. Joe can’t figure out what he stands for.

  When Bernie Sanders was confronted with his own prior statement that states and not the federal government should make decisions on gun control, Sanders said—and this is an exact quote—his words were a “mischaracterization of his thinking.” His own words are a mischaracterization of his thinking! What thinking? I guess he’s saying his brain didn’t engage with his mouth.

  Elizabeth Warren wants to kick millions of Americans off private health insurance. She doesn’t even bother to lie and say, “If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan.”

  At one point, the debate became a contest about who could speak the best Spanish. Now, I believe in keeping your heritage alive, including my own Lebanese heritage. But I also believe this is an English-speaking nation, and the pandering to Spanish-speaking immigrants was over the top. Even Cory Booker was turned off by Beto O’Rourke’s not-too-smooth attempt to pander to Hispanics. Booker’s crazy stare rivaled Jack Nicholson’s in The Shining. If Helen of Troy’s beauty launched a thousand ships, then Booker’s side-eyed stare launched a thousand internet memes.

  Beto wants illegals to start voting right away. No surprise; he needs votes wherever he can find them. And speaking of Beto, I couldn’t help but think of Richard Nixon. This guy needs a new makeup artist so he appears at least close to the living, rather than the walking dead.

  Not to be outdone by his far-Left opponents, Julián Castro not only defended abortion rights for women; he said if he were elected he’d defend abortion rights for transgenders. Even liberal comedian Bill Maher recognized how ridiculous this was. “Julián Castro won the ‘Woke Olympics’ on the first night when he said, ‘Trans females should have the right to an abortion.’ I agree,” said Maher. “Now if only they had a uterus.”1

  It got so ridiculous that even genius Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said they all looked like high school students who didn’t do their homework.2 For once, I agree with her!

  In the end, none of it matters. Just hold on to your pocketbooks, because these clowns want to put a lien on your money, your savings, and your retirement. Everything changed when the Democrats on that stage raised their hands saying all illegals should be given free health care. And by the way, it’s not like they haven’t already been getting free health care in our hospitals and emergency rooms.

  Do you remember when Barack Obama said during his first address to a joint session of Congress in 2009, referring to Obamacare, “the reforms I’m proposing here would not apply to those who are here illegally”?3 Republican Representative Joe Wilson yelled, “You lie!” He later apologized, only because it was the wrong time and place to say it, even if it was true.

  Well, the Democrats aren’t bothering to lie about this either, anymore. And the image of their raised hands indicating they would make American taxpayers pay for health care for illegal immigrants is the one that caused the Clown Car and everyone in it to veer off the road and lose the American people.

  If anyone wants to “feel the pain” of the American people, the ones who elect a president and for whom a president actually works, they should feel this. Ordinary Americans are confronted at the end of their lives with no health insurance that covers long-term care. That means when they get out of the hospital, they have to pay for their own care. They are then left out in the cold, where they literally have nowhere to turn.

  Middle-income Americans who every day choose between food and medications don’t want to hear about people coming here illegally without a dime in their pockets being rewarded with health care they have not paid for. So, Americans have to pay for their own health care and then pay for the health care of illegals and in the end have absolutely no long-term care when they are incapable of caring for themselves? Maybe an illegal who got free health care paid for by that same American now in trouble will help.

  I don’t think so.

  With all the crazy talk Sanders, Beto, Warren, and company were spouting, spiritual clown Marianne Williamson’s New Age mumbo-jumbo sounded almost mainstream.

  “So, Mr. President, if you’re listening, I want you to hear me, please,” said Williamson. “You have harnessed fear for political purposes, and only love can cast that out. So I, sir, I have a feeling you know what you’re doing. I’m going to harness love for political purposes. I will meet you on that field. And sir, love will win.”


  Meanwhile, President Trump demonstrated clear leadership in his official kickoff announcement for a second term on June 18, 2019 in Orlando, Florida. If ever there was a week to see him turn the focus and the spotlight on himself—of which he is the master—that was it. People camped in chairs for several nights, many of them not even getting into the event.4 The man can draw a crowd, create enthusiasm, and make people proud of America.

  There were well over one hundred thousand requests to attend his 2020 campaign kickoff and over twenty thousand people seated inside the stadium.5 This kind of enthusiasm has never been matched in American history. And I don’t care what poll, what network, what s
tatistical genius tells you who’s ahead and who isn’t. There is a chord Donald Trump strikes in the American heart: the American dream that the Left can’t destroy, ravage and obliterate, no matter how hard they try.

  The day after his rally, he raised nearly $25 million, the largest one-day haul by any candidate in presidential history.6

  If ever there were a group of people not in tune with the values of most Americans, it’s these twenty-four (so far) Democrats running for president. Their positions are so radical they’re laughable. Their party has made so much noise about what they’re against—namely Donald Trump, his family, his friends, and anything he proposes, no matter how good it is for the country—many people may not realize what these hysterical radicals are for.

  However, as the subtitle of this book says, they are determined to remake America, whether it makes sense to you or not. And let’s be honest, they’ve already made a lot of progress, progress that accelerated under Barack Obama. It’s ironic in a way that they constantly screech about how terrible America is when these same progressives have largely had their way for the past century.

  They wanted the New Deal and got it. They wanted the Great Society and got it. They wanted affirmative action and got it. They wanted God banished from the public square and got it. They wanted traditional mores about sex eliminated and they got that one, too.

  They complain about income inequality, racism, patriarchy, and a whole host of other evils, but those problems still exist despite all their programs that were supposed to solve them. It never occurs to them that their economic policies may be causing extreme income inequality; that affirmative action may be doing more harm than good to minorities; or that perhaps people aren’t better off by being forced to violate their deeply held religious beliefs in the name of “progress.”

  Progress toward what? Progress to where? What does progress mean to them anyway?

  So, along comes Donald Trump, a man who not only rejects the progressive worldview but who—finally—wasn’t afraid to call it what it is, frankly and without a lot of hemming and hawing or apologizing. He didn’t meekly come to the podium and say, “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend anyone,” like so many terrified conservatives of the past. He came in and said, “It stops now. Today.”

  Donald Trump is the progressives’ worst nightmare. He hasn’t just dared to call the Left what it is, he’s empowered millions of Americans to put aside their fear to do the same thing. That alone is enough to earn the Left’s hatred. When you add in black and Hispanic and Asian unemployment at record lows7 and rising wages among the poorest Americans8 as a result of tax cuts and deregulation, i.e., getting the government out of the way, the president becomes an existential threat to the Left, rather than to all of America as Joe Biden stupidly suggested.9

  If Donald Trump succeeds in eliminating unemployment in the African American, Hispanic, and Asian communities, the Left can’t co-opt them anymore by telling them only the Democrats “feel their pain.”

  The Progressive Nuclear Option

  For these reasons, the Left has obviously decided they have no other choice but the nuclear option. With defeating Trump as their rallying cry, they have commenced an all-out assault on America, seeking to tear down everything that gives these United States any cohesive identity. For them, four more years of Donald Trump in the White House could break their hold on our body politic indefinitely. So, they’ve openly abandoned gradualism and committed themselves to radically changing America now. Consider that four years ago Bernie Sanders shocked everyone by running as a democratic socialist. Within three years, twenty candidates running for the Democrat nomination have bought into the socialist agenda.

  No sooner had they been sworn into office after winning a majority in the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections, than Democrat Steve Cohen proposed a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College.10 That’s a radical, fundamental change to our Constitution, which establishes a federal republic for a reason. The Constitution identifies specific powers delegated to the federal government, all others are left to the states or the people, to prevent Washington, DC, from imposing the will of a few elites on every community in the country. Outside of national defense, interstate and international commerce, and a few other areas, the people of the states are supposed to be left to govern themselves.

  The Electoral College goes hand in hand with this idea, as it ensures that the most populous states—the Democrat ones growing faster thanks to unchecked illegal immigration—cannot elect a president who pays no attention to the concerns of smaller states. The bill is going nowhere at the moment with a Republican Senate and Donald Trump in the White House—although one election could change that—so the Left is seeking to circumvent the Electoral College at the state level. As of this writing, fifteen states have passed bills to award all their electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote, regardless of the results in their own state.11

  Our current federal system allows deep blue states such as California or Massachusetts to be as progressive or socialist as they want, but that’s not good enough for the Left. They can’t stand for anyone who disagrees with them to run their communities as they wish. If California has transgender bathrooms, Arkansas must have them, Alabama must have them. Every state must have them as well. All must worship at the progressive altar, regardless of their political, moral, or religious beliefs.

  The Democrat House is also intent upon erasing our borders to the extent we have them. Silly socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency because “we are standing on Native land, and Latino people are descendants of Native people. And we cannot be told and criminalized simply for our identity and our status.”12

  Alexandria, not a single Latino has been prosecuted or detained because of his identity or status. Those who have been were prosecuted or detained for breaking the law. If identity had anything to do with it, the millions of Latino immigrants who came here legally and who contribute to our economy and society would be having the same problem. They’re not. Stop making this about race or ethnicity and start keeping the oath you took to uphold the law.

  Erasing our borders, nationalizing private industries such as health care and education, abolishing our federal republic and replacing it with a socialist pure democracy are just a few of the radical ways the Left wants to remake America. There seems no limit to the ridiculousness. Ideas we once could laugh about are being seriously proposed and backed by the speaker of the Democrat-controlled House.

  One of these is reparations for slavery, a perennial Left-wing cause célèbre once relegated to the fringe. Now, there is a bill in Congress to create a commission to study this that has the backing of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, and at least sixty Democrats, as of this writing.13

  I don’t even know where to begin on this one. First, taking it as seriously as one can, it’s another fundamental attack on the rule of law, particularly due process. No American alive has ever owned a slave. No American alive has ever been a slave. So, how can anyone justify punishing the former for something they’ve never done to reimburse the latter for an injury they’ve never suffered?

  Don’t forget that African Americans make up over 13 percent of the population,14 so they’d be paying part of their own reparations. And what about the descendants of black slave owners? Yes, there were African American people who owned slaves in pre–Civil War America, from at least 1654.15 Do they get reparations? What about descendants of black slave owners who were once slaves themselves, but purchased slaves after gaining their freedom? And no one seems to mention the fact that there was a civil war to make sure slavery ended. What about those brave men who gave their lives to make sure this horrible stain on America’s history ended? Should they get reparations?

  I could go on and on, but the point is made. This is an impossible idea to put into practi
ce, even if it could be reconciled with any standard of justice. African Americans were treated abominably in this country for a long time, during and after slavery. I know. I grew up during the civil rights era, when Republicans led the way over the resistance and filibusters of Democrats to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But the responsibility for those wrongs belongs to the people who perpetrated them, not to their innocent descendants.

  I believe most Democrats know this. When you take away all the nonsensical hot air, this is just another attempt to divide and conquer, exploiting minority groups for votes and plundering everyone, majority and minority alike. The reparations idea is just an excuse for more socialist wealth redistribution, with an identity politics angle.

  Socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib can win congressional districts while openly admitting they are socialists, even celebrating it. But winning a national election is a different story. While gaining in popularity, socialism is still looked upon unfavorably by most Americans—albeit far too slim a majority for me.16

  At the same time, at least one survey showed up to 70 percent of Democrats supported some form of socialism.17 So, any Democrat seeking the presidential nomination must walk a tightrope between appeasing the far-Left element in control of their party and avoiding alienating the independents and moderates they’ll need to win the presidency.

  New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio hasn’t even been able to appease the far Left. This is in spite of his pledges to “introduce legislation to ban the glass and steel skyscrapers that have contributed so much to global warming”18 and to reduce red meat consumption by 50 percent in public schools and other city facilities as part of a New York City Green New Deal.19 One problem is Democrats just don’t believe him.